Saturday, March 23, 2013

History Writ Large and Small

I finished Julie Andrews' autobiography (with some judicious fast-forwarding) this week and found it to be quite entertaining for the most part. I'd recommend it for light reading.

After Ms. Andrews' book, I decided to start reading one of the volumes of short stories entitled Shakespearean Whodunits. The premise is interesting (as I pointed out in my last post), but the writing is only so-so. I've read several of them now, and I must say I'm not overwhelmed. I may decide to cut this adventure short and move on to the next book.

The next book on my list is one I've had a while: Telling the Truth About History.  It's a scholarly work, apparently, by a team of historians, the first of whom is Joyce Appleby (one of the "A" team).  It got a pretty good review in the NY Times when it came out in 1994: "Truth by Consensus."

I think it will be interesting, but I'll let you know.

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