Saturday, November 9, 2013

Woman Wandering in the Working Class, Wondering about Will

Well, I finished Working Class Women in the Academy, and was inspired to get back to my dissertation topic. I came up with all kinds of ideas that I could apply to a possible article or book on working class as represented in Shakespeare. I've also been reading Radical Shakespeare, by Chris Fitter. It's a literary criticism book on the element of lower class resistance in some of Shakespeare's plays. That is, of course my topic, but I see that no one is arguing exactly what I'm arguing yet. It gives me hope.

In addition to those two books, a third book that I've started reading is actually on my reading list, Working, the famous and wonderful book of oral history by Studs Terkel. It relates to my topic, and I can check off one more "T" book when I've finished it!

So, I'm steeped in working class issues at a very good time, it seems, since it's lately been a media focus: the increasingly wide gap between rich and poor giving people a cause for concern.

I'm having fun with all this. I'll get back to you with my thoughts soon.

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