Monday, January 21, 2013

Working Through the A's

I'm getting toward the end of Writing Women's Worlds, and learning this week about weddings and related customs.  I have been wondering throughout this book if much has changed since Lila last visited this society in 1989.  I should look that up and report back.

The next book on the list is a novel by Isabel Allende, the Chilean writer (and second cousin of ex-president Salvador Allende).  I've read a couple of her books, but the one I have planned is her first: The House of the Spirits, which was made into a movie by the same name in 1993: The House of the Spirits.  Though it starred Jeremy Irons, Meryl Streep and Glenn Close, it was not well received. I've never seen it, myself.  Maybe I'll give it a go after I read the book.

I started reading House of the Spirits once before but didn't get very far.  This time I hope to finish it. More later.

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