Sunday, February 5, 2012

A Novel Detour

Well, I ended up taking a break from sports stories this week so that I could read a novel, this time one of Jeffery Deaver's thrillers, The Bodies Left Behind. (I must confess I got it from the library instead of my book collection.)  The book is one long chase scene, and since Deaver is a master of suspense, it was a gripping story.  I kept waiting for the twist he always provides, but it didn't arrive until nearly the end, which was great, because it was totally unexpected!  I recommend it highly.

Following that book, I launched into Stephen King's recently published tome (aren't they all?), 11/22/63. It's a time travel story in which the protagonist goes back in time to try to stop JFK's assassination.  That's all I know so far, but it looks like the story will unfold slowly, since it's 849 pages long!

After this, I will probably go back to non-fiction for a while.  In fact, if the King novel gets slow, I may take a break from it and declare magazine week next week.  We'll see what happens.  I'm feeling whimsical!

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