Friday, December 24, 2010

The Solution to the Maze

Well, I finally finished Hugh Laurie's The Gun Seller this week. At about the middle of the book, when the maze-like plot finally started to clear up a little, there were a few enjoyable moments. It is about a gun seller (the villain) who is involved in military-industrial-complex-type nefarious deeds.  The hero (first person narrator) is a smart, strong man facing moral dilemmas throughout.  Of course, there's a beautiful dame or two thrown in for good measure.

It was entertaining, for the most part, and once the action started, there were fewer moments of excessively wordy descriptions (or perhaps I had gotten used to them by then), so I was able to forget I was reading a novel and start to care a little about the characters.

I'd recommend it to those who like Hugh Laurie and are curious about what he's like as a writer. But if you're looking for straight mystery/spy thriller fiction, better go elsewhere.

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